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Neighbours save toddlers in blaze drama

Father of the children Trevor Wood, left, with one of the rescuers Derek Cole in the fire-damaged bedroom. Picture: MATT WALKER
Father of the children Trevor Wood, left, with one of the rescuers Derek Cole in the fire-damaged bedroom. Picture: MATT WALKER

RETIRED painter and decorator Derek Cole has told how he and a neighbour reacted instinctively to save the lives of two children trapped in a blazing flat.

Fire broke out just before 6pm on Monday night in a four-storey block of flats in Greggs Wood Road on the Sherwood estate in Tunbridge Wells.

Mr Cole, 69, has lived on the first floor for the past 29 years and was at home when the fire alarm sounded. His wife, Beatrice, went to investigate and came back shouting that Flat 18 was on fire and that two children were trapped inside.

Mr Cole said: "I just didn't think. I raced down the stairs and ran in through the front door, followed by another chap who had come in from outside.

"We found the kids' bedroom and saw smoke coming from under the door. I ripped off a child gate which was in front of it and also undid a bolt which was holding the door shut.

"The lad who was with me, a neighbour I know as Darren, agreed that we should open the door slowly because we didn't know if flames might shoot out or if the children were behind it.

"They were screaming and crying, which was a terrible sound, and when we got in you couldn't see for there being so much smoke.

"I got hold of the young boy and Darren grabbed the girl and we made our way back to the front door. It was quite a job because the smoke by now was pouring out, thick and choking.

"The little boy just clung to me and didn't say a word. We got outside and then just sat waiting for the fire brigade, who were there within minutes.

"It was then that the shock set in and I realised how dangerous it had been. My legs just went to jelly. I've never done anything like that before and I don't want to have to again."

The rescued children, Patrick, three, and his sister, Nadine, 18 months, were re-united with their mother, Julie Green, and baby sister, Tia, one month.

All the family were treated for smoke inhalation by paramedics at the scene before being taken to the Kent and Sussex Hospital, Tunbridge Wells. All have since been released.

Later, Tunbridge Wells fire station commander Lawrie Kidman said: "These men were extremely courageous. We will almost certainly be recommending them for some sort of bravery award."

The blaze destroyed 75 per cent of the bedroom and the family have had to be rehoused in temporary accommodation.

It is thought the fire was started by the children playing with a gas oven lighter.

Station Officer Kidman said: "This is a stark warning to parents not to leave matches or lighters within reach of children.

"If it hadn’t been for the quick thinking of the two neighbours, these two young children may well have lost their lives.

"Although smoke alarms were triggered by the fire, residents didn’t realise there was an actual fire for some minutes. Meanwhile, toxic smoke was filling the bedroom.”

Firefighters will be distributing fire safety leaflets to properties in the area over the next few days and offering free home fire safety checks.

The children's father, Trevor Wood, who had been out at the time, praised the prompt action and bravery of Mr Cole and Darren Kerwin in rescuing the youngsters.

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