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ISIS affiliated prisoners who wore fake suicide belts during calculated attack on guard convicted of attempted murder

Two ISIS affiliated prisoners who savaged a prison guard while appearing to wear suicide belts have today been convicted of attempted murder.

Baz Macaulay Hockton, 26, formerly of Wellington Crescent, Ramsgate , and Londoner Brusthom Ziamani, 25, had in fact made the fake devices using wires and plastic cartons.

Baz Macaulay Hockton shouted 'Allah Hu Akbar’ as he attempted to kill a prison officer Picture: Met Police
Baz Macaulay Hockton shouted 'Allah Hu Akbar’ as he attempted to kill a prison officer Picture: Met Police

But they set upon their victim shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great) and used makeshift weapons to inflict multiple superficial wounds.

He was only saved thanks to the rapid response of other prison officers at HMP Whitemoor in Cambridgeshire who filled the area and secured them in cells.

Speaking today, victim Neil Trundle said: “I thank those colleagues of mine who risked their lives coming to my aid on that terrible day.

"If it was not for their bravery and instant response, I am convinced I would not be here today.”

Following an investigation by the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, they were handed their convictions at the Old Bailey today and are due to be sentenced tomorrow.

Brusthom Ziamani has been convicted of attempted murder Picture: Met Police
Brusthom Ziamani has been convicted of attempted murder Picture: Met Police

Ziamani was also convicted of actual bodily harm and common assault against nurse Jayne Cowles and prison officer Georgina Ibbotson who both came to the victim’s assistance.

Recovered CCTV showed the pair meeting and spending several minutes talking to each other prior to their attack on January 9 this year.

Other footage shows them waiting in the area where they eventually carried out their attack.

Wearing the belts and armed with improvised weapons, they lured officer Trundle to a cupboard on the pretext of getting them a spoon.

They then launched themselves at him, pushing him to the floor and slashing him in the chest, neck and face with lumps of twisted metal with fabric grips, and two improvised knives.

'This was a calculated and horrific attack by two prisoners who had one aim - to try and murder prison staff...'

Commander Richard Smith, head of the Met's Counter Terrorism Command, said: “I am very pleased with today’s verdict.

"This was a calculated and horrific attack by two prisoners who had one aim - to try and murder prison staff.

“I would like to pay tribute to the outstanding professionalism and bravery of the courageous prison staff who responded to the incident.

"Their quick and selfless actions saved the life of their colleague that day.

"My thoughts are also with the other victims of this attack who also were injured during this incident.”

Due to the circumstances, the incident was treated as terrorism and the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, supported by the Eastern Region Specialist Operations Unit, HMP Whitemoor and the prison service, launched a thorough investigation.

Detectives recovered writings by both men, which were supportive of extremist Islamic ideology.

A four-page hand-written note found in Ziamani’s pocket revealed his twisted hope of becoming a martyr.

Other documents found in both men’s cells also made repeated references to martyrdom, and “the slaying of the enemies of Allah”.

You can report any suspicious behaviour or activity that you think could be terrorist-related via the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) website at www.gov.uk/ACT or alternatively, call police in confidence on 0800 789 321.

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