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Archbishop of Canterbury delivers virtual assembly on hope to pupils at home

Archbishop of Canterbury delivers virtual assembly on hope to pupils at home

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson also spoke to children as part of the inaugural assembly.

Pothole-related breakdowns up 64% in first three months of 2020, figures suggest

Pothole-related breakdowns up 64% in first three months of 2020, figures suggest

Although last winter was relatively mild overall, severe flooding caused damage to road surfaces in some areas.

Princess Royal thanks those involved in creating NHS Louisa Jordan hospital

Princess Royal thanks those involved in creating NHS Louisa Jordan hospital

The site was built in Glasgow in just under three weeks to offer extra capacity for treating coronavirus patients from across Scotland.

More than 1,800 jobs to go as no buyer found for Oasis and Warehouse

More than 1,800 jobs to go as no buyer found for Oasis and Warehouse

Administrators were called in earlier this month.

Put public health at top of political agenda to avoid second outbreak – WHO

Put public health at top of political agenda to avoid second outbreak – WHO

An expert said it was important to mitigate the impact of a second or third wave.

Watchdogs drop investigation into Hale Barns stabbing death of grammar schoolboy

Watchdogs drop investigation into Hale Barns stabbing death of grammar schoolboy

Yousef Makki, 17, was stabbed in the heart by ex-public schoolboy Joshua Molnar, who was cleared of murder.

NHS charities thank Captain Tom for raising more than £30m

NHS charities thank Captain Tom for raising more than £30m

Frontline staff and volunteers sang Happy Birthday to the Second World War veteran as he turned 100.

NHS staff pay tribute to colleague as funeral cortege passes hospital

NHS staff pay tribute to colleague as funeral cortege passes hospital

Jane Murphy, 73, died earlier this month after contracting coronavirus.

Harry Dunn’s parents appeal to Donald Trump to review extradition block

Harry Dunn’s parents appeal to Donald Trump to review extradition block

The letter comes after lawyers acting on behalf of Anne Sacoolas opened up a dialogue with the Foreign Office.

Huge increase in food bank use in recent weeks, charities report

Huge increase in food bank use in recent weeks, charities report

A coalition has urged the Government to do more to help protect people from being ‘swept into destitution’.

Time for Captain Tom to rest after bringing hope and unity, says daughter

Time for Captain Tom to rest after bringing hope and unity, says daughter

Hannah Ingram-Moore said the 100-year-old has ‘touched the hearts of many people around the world’.

Investigation launched following death of doctor who pleaded for more PPE

Investigation launched following death of doctor who pleaded for more PPE

Dr Peter Tun reportedly asked numerous times for more personal protective equipment but was told his ward was not a priority.

Covid-19 loans slow as another £1.3bn handed to small businesses

Covid-19 loans slow as another £1.3bn handed to small businesses

Last week UK Finance reported that around £1.45 billion in small business loans had been approved.

Give your lawn a monthly ‘Mohican’ mow to boost wildlife, experts urge

Give your lawn a monthly ‘Mohican’ mow to boost wildlife, experts urge

Cutting the grass once a month and leaving some areas to grow long maximises flowers for bees, Plantlife said.

Self-harm incidents in prisons jump to record high

Self-harm incidents in prisons jump to record high

The number of prisoners self-harming was also at a record high.

Two-thirds of UK firms apply for Government’s employee furlough scheme

Two-thirds of UK firms apply for Government’s employee furlough scheme

The Office for National Statistics said a poll showed just 19% had received support so far from the job retention scheme.

Police ‘horrified’ by swastikas daubed on ‘Protect the NHS’ signs

Police ‘horrified’ by swastikas daubed on ‘Protect the NHS’ signs

Vandals attacked coastal car park signs in the North Tyneside area.

Teenager’s song thanking the NHS to be played in Co-op stores

Teenager’s song thanking the NHS to be played in Co-op stores

Our Song For The NHS will be played in up to 2,600 stores every morning during time dedicated to the NHS, carers and the vulnerable.

Minister admits Government could miss 100,000-a-day testing target

Minister admits Government could miss 100,000-a-day testing target

NHS Providers said health workers will need to be tested once a week to control the spread of coronavirus once the lockdown is eased.

Soldiers in Northern Ireland salute Captain Tom on 100th birthday

Soldiers in Northern Ireland salute Captain Tom on 100th birthday

A 14ft mural of the fundraising war veteran has been installed at Aldergrove Flying Station in Co Antrim.

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