The Escalator Company in Rochester uses UVC units to keep escalators safe as lockdown eased

As lockdown restrictions are eased many things we take for granted are requiring a rethink in order to keep the virus from spreading - and one such challenge is faced by the use of escalators.

With major shopping centres and offices reliant on people using the systems, just how do you keep something touched by hundreds of hands clean?

The escalators linking The Mall Shopping Centre to Sainsburys at Romney Place. Photography by Matthew Walker (36447518)
The escalators linking The Mall Shopping Centre to Sainsburys at Romney Place. Photography by Matthew Walker (36447518)

One specialist company in Rochester believes it has found a workable solution.

The Escalator Company has launched social distancing 'green steps' and a handrail sanitisation unit which harness ultra-violet light to kill germs each time it revolves.

It is hoped it will ensure people can use escalators with confidence at shops and businesses return to the 'new normal'.

The green steps - with black footprints to show the direction of travel - are placed two-metres apart - equating to every seventh step on an escalator. It means people will know how far apart to stand to observe social distancing.

In addition, it hopes its UVC handrail sanitisation unit, which can be fitted out of sight of passengers, will maintain handrail safety.

The green steps will help ensure social distancing is maintained
The green steps will help ensure social distancing is maintained

UVC is an ultra-violet radiation used in hospitals and laboratories, having been proven to be effective against pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.

However, it is dangerous for humans to come into contact with, so the unit would be placed within the machine itself.

The products have already proved popular with clients in London and around the country.

Director and engineering lead Lee Barber, said: "We have produced the green steps and UVC handrail cleansing units in response to the higher level of cleanliness required as we recover from Covid-19.

"People want to feel safe as they get back to some sort or normality and facilities managers and premises owners are keen to provide that extra level of hygiene to their customers too.

Escalator hand sanitisation unit
Escalator hand sanitisation unit

"We have made sure that both can be fitted in a reasonable timeframe - within a few hours to avoid disruption and downtime for their escalators and travelators in what are usually busy footfall locations.

"The green steps are pre-painted and fitted on-site to reduce our time on site but also to negate the fumes from paint causing a problem.

"Many changes are being made globally and this is what we are offering for escalators and travelators to aid with infection control and allow passengers to feel safer."

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